LANDR Launches Fair Trade AI Program to Empower Musicians Worldwide

Offering a new way for musicians to monetize their data and participate in the evolving landscape of AI in music.

MONTREAL, Canada – July 18, 2024 – LANDR, the pioneering AI-driven music production platform, announces the launch of its revolutionary Fair Trade AI program. This groundbreaking initiative allows artists to earn recurring revenue from participating in the training of assistive AI music tools, marking the music industry's first mature opt-in attribution model.

Since its inception 11 years ago, LANDR has been at the forefront of AI music production, serving over 6 million artists and distributing music to Spotify, Apple Music and 150 major services worldwide. With the introduction of the Fair Trade AI program, LANDR continues to lead the industry by upholding ethical AI practices and creating new monetization opportunities for musicians.

Through the Fair Trade AI program, artists who contribute their songs for AI training will receive 20% of the proceeds generated by the tools trained on their music. This innovative approach enables artists to continuously profit from AI development, while actively participating in the evolution of music production technologies and  retaining all rights to their music.

Pascal Pilon, Founder of LANDR, states, "Our mission at LANDR is to empower musicians to create, get heard, and monetize their work. As we've watched the emergence of new generative AI tools over the last year and the legal challenges ahead for the industry, we now see an opportunity to use our reach to bring that market to a place that is sound and exciting for DIY musicians worldwide, while developing assistive tools to enhance--not replace--their creativity and workflow."

The LANDR Fair Trade AI program respects copyright laws and content ownership, while providing a new avenue for musicians to benefit from the most recent AI advancements. With over a decade of empowering millions to produce and release their music, LANDR has a unique combination of technology, content ingestion and distribution infrastructure to lead this new era of the industry.

How it works

  • Opt-in process: Users distributing music with LANDR can opt-in to include their content in AI training. Only distributed tracks where a user retains  publishing rights will be eligible, and LANDR reserves the right to curate the tracks added to the dataset. Users can opt out of the program at any time.
  • Revenue share: 20% of the proceeds generated from new AI-based tools is paid back to participating users, proportional to their data contribution.
  • Regular payouts: Artists receive their payout via their LANDR account every month, similar to how streaming revenue is paid from distribution. 
  • Ethical approach: No portion of the dataset will be sold to 3rd parties, further safeguarding users' music to ensure that the data is used ethically and that contributors are appropriately compensated.
  • Transparency and updates: LANDR is committed to full transparency. It will provide regular updates and reports on the AI training process and outcomes through email notifications and on the LANDR account dashboard.
  • Educational resources: LANDR will offer extensive resources through the LANDR Learn platform, including guides, webinars, and tutorials to help users better understand and navigate the evolving landscape of AI in music.

To learn more about the program, visit


LANDR is a leading AI-powered music production platform that empowers artists to create, distribute, and monetize their work. With a global community of over 6 million musicians, LANDR provides cutting-edge tools and services to enhance music production and distribution.


Fred Ranger, Vice President of Marketing & Communications 
