LANDR Fair Trade AI Program

The LANDR Fair Trade AI program offers new opportunities for musicians to monetize their work and participate in the evolving landscape of AI in music.

How it works

Users distributing music with LANDR can opt-in to the program to earn money by allowing their content to be used in the training of AI music production tools. Only distributed tracks with full publishing rights are eligible. LANDR reserves the right to curate the tracks added to the dataset. You can opt out of the program at any time.

Earn more money from your music

A portion of the revenue generated by our upcoming AI plugins, apps and services will be paid out to participants of the Fair Trade AI Program. That’s recurring revenue every month, similar to how you are paid when distributing your music!

How your music will be used

Data extracted from music for AI training typically includes "features" like melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, and tempo. These elements are used to train AI models to understand musical structure and assist in your creation process.

For example, our future AI product offerings may be able to suggest a bassline that fits perfectly with your newest guitar or vocal part, or power a virtual instrument to create custom presets for your latest composition.

Ethics and Transparency

We will never sell your data to a third party. You’ll receive regular updates and reports on the AI training process and its outcomes through email notifications and on your LANDR account dashboard.

Read the full press release here

Monetize your music with AI

To participate in the new Fair Trade AI Program, opt in with your account.

The sign-up period for the first group of contributors will close
in 2-3 months (or sooner) based on the number of opt-ins. Join now!

Sign up



You must opt in to participate, and you can opt out at any time. We will then remove you from our future training datasets. Note that only music that meets our copyright and publishing requirements is eligible.


Your music remains 100% yours. We will not license your music or data to third parties. Third parties can only license the AI models LANDR creates, and you will receive 20% of the revenue generated, net of direct charges. Your music and data will not be accessible to anyone but LANDR and our co-development partners.


Monthly payouts will be made to your LANDR account.

LANDR utilizes various components of your music, such as melodies, rhythms, and harmonies, to train the AI. 

To protect the unique aspects of your compositions, we compare AI outputs with the input dataset to ensure that generated content does not closely match any specific track. This method helps maintain the originality of your work while enhancing the AI's music production capabilities.

The 20% revenue share is calculated based on the number of tracks each artist contributes to the dataset. For example, if your track is one of 10,000, you will receive 1/10,000th of the 20% revenue, net of direct charges generated by the AI tools using the dataset (including 3rd party exploitation charges). This model ensures fair and proportional distribution of earnings. The more tools LANDR builds and sells/licences, the more revenue there is to be shared with you. This makes it possible for your revenue share to grow over time.


You can view a detailed breakdown of the revenue, net of direct charges from your contributions through the distribution analytics available in your LANDR account. This transparency ensures you can track earnings accurately.


Your music remains your property. By participating in the Fair Trade AI Program, you grant LANDR a license to use your music for AI training. This license can be revoked at any time, allowing you to opt out of future training with LANDR. When you opt-out, your music will be immediately removed from the dataset, and the models will be updated at the next model training cycle – which is expected to occur every 2-3 months. LANDR does not claim ownership of your music at any point, ensuring you retain full control over your work.


We use industry-standard detection tools to verify that anyone uploading music for training owns the copyright for that music, just as we have done for years with LANDR distribution.


LANDR has a robust validation system to verify ownership and publishing rights before including any music in the AI training dataset. Additionally, you can opt-out at any time, ensuring your music is removed from future AI training datasets.


We’re committed to full transparency to all of the participants in the Fair Trade AI Program. We provide regular updates and reports on the AI training process and its outcomes through email notifications and updates on your LANDR account dashboard. You can access detailed analytics on how their data is being utilized, fostering trust and clarity.


We will soon offer extensive educational resources through the LANDR Learn platform, including guides, webinars, and tutorials to help you understand the impact of AI on your music and career. These resources are designed to help you maximize the benefits of AI tools and stay informed about the latest developments in music production technology.


Our support team is ready to assist with any questions or issues you may have. You can reach out through our support channels for prompt and helpful assistance.


Opting in or out of the Fair Trade AI Program is simple and can be done through your LANDR account settings. When you opt-in, only your distributed tracks that you fully own the publishing rights for may be selected. Please note that we reserve the right to curate the tracks added to the dataset, so not every track in your catalog may be eligible. You have full control over your participation at all times.

If you decide to opt-out, your data will be removed from the current dataset immediately. Existing models that have already been trained on your music will be retrained periodically, potentially every 2-3 months, to ensure your music is no longer used. This process ensures that your opt-out decision is respected promptly while maintaining the integrity of the AI models.

If you stop your subscription, you will remain opted-in to the Fair Trade AI Program and you will continue earning money from it. However, if you delete your LANDR account, you will be automatically opted out, and your music will be removed from the next version of the dataset during the subsequent training cycle, which is expected to occur every 2-3 months.